The Destruction of Possibility with Envy

Envy Kills Possibility

Envying others creates barriers that prevent you from achieving success for yourself. This distraction of envy blocks not only others, but yourself from being at your highest potential.
— Kev

Self Sabotage

Envy defined on is "a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck. It is the desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to someone else." 


When one is envious, they invite  jealousy, slander and the prevention of other peoples success. The time spent on focusing negative energy on someone else is not only draining, but slowing us from focusing on ourself and our success. In one aspect, one destroys the possibility of others so he or she can “win” and watch other people “lose”. This passive aggressive form of competition defeats all purpose, as it distracts them from focusing all their energy on themselves and their dreams.

The envious don't want to see other people prosper because subconsciously, they don’t want to see themselves prosper. It makes them uncomfortable because it makes them accountable and responsible for the success of their lives.

The energy of envy attracts fear and worry . It stops one from growing as ego is threatened by change and transformation. Ego is fearful of other people’s success because ego is afraid to achieve at it’s highest potential. Since many people are stuck or lazy with their dreams, witnessing other people prosper makes us uncomfortable. As a reaction, we become envious because we think we can't do or have what they have. 


The Way to Release for Self-empowerment

Surrender the envy so you can be present with yourself. These triggered emotions are nothing but fears created by your ego. Your ego feels threatened so it feels forced to move in to action.

Whether it is friends or celebrities you see in media, let their success blossom without affecting your personal presence and power.

Whenever you see yourself wanting what others have, focus all the energy back in to your body and focus on what you want for yourself.

Allow their success to contribute to your success by supporting them authentically on their journey. As you become grateful and gracious of their success, the same will occur for you as their will be more space and allowance for your desires and ambitions. Empower their success so you can empower your success. The more you practice that, the more you can build a network of people who live in prosperity and abundance. 

TIP: If you see yourself commonly thinking that someone is envious or “hating on you” try looking in the mirror and see if you see you are an envious or jealous person. Typically, frequent participation in the conversation of “haters” or the “envious” might show that you too, are envious other peoples success.


Remember that we live in an abundant universe; where wealth, prosperity, and vitality can be accessed at any moment for everyone. In this overflow, we can bask in the fulfillment of success for ourselves and others, together.

-Kevin Koh





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